Dear Job Seeker,
I will keep this short, honest, and to the point. Here is what I have for you:
In the eBook you will find multiple brilliant answers to the following questions:
- If a patient accused you of a bad service, what would you do?
- What do you want to accomplish on this position?
- This job is repetitive. What would motivate you to do it well every day?
- Describe the time when you went above and beyond with your service.
- Describe a conflict you had with a colleague or with a friend.
- Give an example of a time when you were overwhelmed with work. How did you handle the pressure?
- What do you need to assure yourself about before dispensing prescription medicines?
- Why should we hire you?
- – … and twelve other difficult interview questions for Pharmacists
Read the sample below to see how this eBook can help you in your interview.
Sample from the eBook
Q: You cannot read the prescription. What would you do?
Hint: Do you try to solve the problem, or do you call the physician immediately? Do you have a system of steps to take when you can not read the prescription? And do you care at all? Like many other times in an interview, we test your attitude to the job and to the patients you’ll meet in a Pharmacy.
You should try to convince us that you would never dispense any drugs unless 100% sure about the prescription. Calling the physician should be your last option, but it should be on the list.
Sample answers
– I have a system of steps I follow every time I can not read the prescription. Firstly, I ask the patient to help me decipher. The doctors typically tell the patients what they prescribed, so sometimes patients help us to identify the drug. If patient are not sure, I look at their profile if it is a maintenance medication. That may help as well. If I still can’t figure things out, I will call the doctor.
– I would try to understand the handwriting before doing anything else. I believe I will get accustomed to the handwriting of the doctors and manage to read the prescription most of the time. But if I did not read it, I would ask a patient to help me out. If we were still unable to identify the drug, I would contact the doctor and ask them. I always try to solve the problems without bothering other staff members.
Q: You realize that two drugs the customer is taking may interact. What would you do?
Hint: You should inform the patient about possible drug interactions (though many pharmacists don’t do it). What is more, if it goes about a serious interaction, you should suggest them an alternative, send them back to their GP, or consult a specialist.
Most pharmacists won’t do this, becasue they rely on the prescription, and think that each patient reads about possible interactions. But you should try to present yourself as an excellent pharmacist, not an average one who may not always care…
Sample answers:
– I would inform the patient immediately and ask them whether they discussed the issue with their physician. If they didn’t, I’d either send them back, or call the physician on my own to discuss it. To make the call effective, I would firstly look for substitutes that do not interact with each other, and suggest the alternatives to the doctor on the call.
– It depends on the seriousness of the interaction. If it was insignificant, I would only inform the patient, warning them of possible side effects. However, if it was substantial, I would not let them take the drugs before consulting it with their physician or with a specialist in our pharmacy. My personal conviction is that pharmacists should be responsible and think their job—they shouldn’t blindly follow the prescriptions.
End of the sample
These were just two interview questions. You will find twenty in the book, and many other things that will help you ace your Pharmacist interview. Among them:
- Tailored interview preparation tips.
- Ideas on how to improve your Pharmacist resume
- Winning interview strategies that will show you how to stand out in your interview

All information from someone who interviewed more than four hundred applicants for pharmacist jobs, and who wrote the content of this website that has helped more than 300,000 people with their interview preparation…
But I do not want to boast about my skills, or waste your time with a lengthy sales page. You have read the sample, you’ve seen the website, and I am sure you can tell whether my eBook will help you to get a job of a Pharmacist.
I sincerely believe it will help you. And you can read it easily in two or three hours, it’s 11,000 words. Only things that truly matter for your success in an interview.
What the fellow pharmacists think
I failed in three different interviews, but I didn’t understand why it happened. I decided to purchase your eBook, and it opened my eyes. I suddenly understood every mistake I had made in my past interviews. Long story short, I got a community pharmacist job in the very next interview.
Carla S., NC
It is not easy to get a job of a pharmacist, and things get even tougher for men. However, I got the job in my very first interview, and the credit goes to your eBook. Most of the questions they asked me were analyzed in your book, and I was confident, and I came up with great answers. Thank you Anita!
Robert J., TX
I am not very talkative, and I struggled to sell my skills in an interview. After learning the winning interview strategies from Pharmacist Interview Guide, however, I understood that you do not have to talk a lot to get a job. You just have to use the right words. I did it, and I got a job in a hospital.
Angela B., England
Quick Recap and Info about the eBook
- Format: eBook (.pdf file format, you can read it on your desktop, mobile, or kindle, and you can easily print it).
- Author: Anita Stosur
- 11,000 words
- First edition published in 2014, latest update: February 2024.
- Simple checkout with PayPal, instant download.
- Price: $19 (You will make it back in an hour in your new job…)
- 60 days risk-free money back guarantee
- Click the checkout button below to get your eBook
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If you can not see an option to pay with your credit/debit card once you click the check out button, click on “Create account with PayPal” or “Sign up”. PayPal will offer you an option to pay with your credit or debit card, without a need to register an account with them. You will pay as a PayPal guest.)
Two bonus materials–just to ensure you will succeed in your interview
You will learn how to answer the following questions:
- Can you tell me something about yourself?
- Why did you leave your last job?
- Why should we hire you?
- What are your strengths?
- What motivates you?
- And ten other common interview questions.
- This priceless book will help you in any interview, for many years to come.
- Teaches you everything you need to know to win the hearts of your interviewers.
- Perfectly applicable for pharmacists.
- One hour long, mp3, instant download
Buy Pharmacist Interview Guide today, and get these two priceless interview success products for free.
Job interview can be easy – if you know what to do
Job interview for pharmacist position does not have to be stressful, or difficult. You can be the one who interviews with confidence, and gives brilliant answers to all difficult questions.
With your new eBook:
- You will impress your interviewers, telling them exactly what they want to hear.
- You will get rid of interview stress.
- You will get the call after the interview.
Risk Free 60 days Money Back Guarantee
If you do not like the Pharmacist Interview Guide for ANY reason, or for no reason at all, just let me know within sixty days and I will give you a full refund. Drop me a message to anita[at]pharmacistinterviewquestions[dot]com with your name and transaction details. No questions asked, just a full refund.
Try my professional interview guide in your next interview. Once you have tried it, I am confident you will keep it and will be more than happy about your purchase. But if not, all you have to do is to ask for a refund. You can lose nothing with this purchase.
Anita Stosur,
Your personal job interview coach
(After the payment you will be directed back to our website to download your Pharmacist Interview Guide. You will also receive a download link and instructions to your email, just to ensure that you will get the eBook without waiting, even if the redirect fails.
If you can not see an option to pay with your credit/debit card once you click the check out button, click on “Create account with PayPal” or “Sign up”. PayPal will offer you an option to pay with your credit or debit card, without a need to register an account with them–you will pay as a PayPal guest).
P.S. Send me an email to anita[at]pharmacistinterviewquestions[dot]com if you are still not sure how this guide will help you to get a job, or if you have any question. I answer all emails within twelve hours.